属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-特易购进军金融市场 会员卡制度保证其竞争优势
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-特易购进军金融市场 会员卡制度保证其竞争优势
1 | 我必不至死,仍要存活,并要传扬耶和华的作为。 | Life and not death will be my part, and I will give out the story of the works of the Lord. | |
2 | 我不应该说出她家的电话号码,但是如果真是很重要的话。 | I am not supposed to give out her home phone number but if it ’s really important. | |
3 | 我好发称谢的声音。也要述说你一切奇妙的作为。 | That I may give out the voice of praise, and make public all the wonders which you have done. | |
4 | 我们存的粮食要吃完了。 | Our food supplies began to give out | |
5 | 我们派米救济穷人。 | We give out rice to practise alms giving for the poor living souls. | |
6 | 我说,年老的当先说话。寿高的当以智慧教训人。 | I said to myself, It is right for the old to say what is in their minds, and for those who are far on in years to give out wisdom. | |
7 | 我像燕子呢喃。像白鹤鸣叫。又像鸽子哀鸣。我因仰观,眼睛困倦。耶和华阿,我受欺压。求你为我作保。 | I make cries like a bird; I give out sounds of grief like a dove: my eyes are looking up with desire; O Lord, I am crushed, take up my cause. | |
8 | 我要开口说比喻。我要说出古时的谜语。 | Opening my mouth I will give out a story, even the dark sayings of old times; | |
9 | 小丑过来分糖给小孩子。 | The clown came to give out candy to the little children. | |
10 | 小份额发给以小份额发给;少量的配给 | To give out in small portions;distribute sparingly. | |
11 | 要求他们不要发表协议内容。 | They had been requested not to give out the agreement | |
12 | 要在亚实突的宫殿中,和埃及地的宫殿里,传扬说,你们要聚集在撒玛利亚的山上,就看见城中有何等大的扰乱与欺压的事。 | Give out the news in the great houses of assyria and in the land of Egypt, and say, Come together on the mountains of Samaria, and see what great outcries are there, and what cruel acts are done in it. | |
13 | 耶和华阿,求你使天下垂,亲自降临,摸山,山就冒烟。 | Come down, O Lord, from your heavens: at your touch let the mountains give out smoke. | |
14 | 耶和华对我说,你要在犹大城邑中和耶路撒冷街市上,宣告这一切话说,你们当听从遵行这约的话。 | and the Lord said to me, Give out these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying, Give ear to the words of this agreement and do them. | |
15 | 耶和华如此说,你若归回,我就将你再带来,使你站在我面前。你若将宝贵的和下贱的分别出来,你就可以当作我的口。他们必归向你,你却不可归向他们。 | For this cause the Lord has said, If you will come back, then I will again let you take your place before me; and if you give out what is of value and not that which has no value, you will be as my mouth: let them come back to you, but do not go back to them. | |
16 | 野驴有草岂能叫唤,牛有料,岂能吼叫。 | Does the ass of the fields give out his voice when he has grass? or does the ox make sounds over his food? | |
17 | 以小份额发给;少量的配给 | To give out in small portions; distribute sparingly. | |
18 | 这架飞机在坠毁前没有发出呼救信号。 | The plane didn’t give out signals for help before crashing | |
19 | 直线交点法放样高边坡路基边桩 | Give out on Road Cutting Top Border Pile of High Side Slope by Point of Intersection with Straight Lines | |
20 | ||1:反对者们在做最后的斗争之前是绝不会轻易放弃的。||2:他们挥舞着调查报告称由于法律对酒类销售的放宽使其销售节节攀升并间接导致酒后驾车事故的不断增多。||3:在酒类销售限制方面没有哪个州可以跟犹他州相比,在犹他州即使烈性啤酒也只能在公营商店才能买得到。||4:犹他州白酒专营丑闻的曝光使得其严格的白酒销售网络得以被公开。||5:但是放宽酒类销售的改革还面临着诸多的压力,比如来自国会议员的反对和酒驾团体的抗议。||6:问题的棘手之处在于“白宫里的一小撮反对饮酒的摩门教徒”。 | ||1:Opponents will not give up without a fight.||2:They wield studies that point to increases in consumption and car accidents after laws are loosened.||3:But nowhere is liberalisation resisted more staunchly than in Mormon-dominated Utah, where even strong beer has to be sold through publicly owned stores.||4:Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotlight thanks to an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly.||5:But the forces arrayed against reform are strong, including the speaker of the state Senate and anti-drink-driving pressure groups.||6:The odds of privatisation are “a small fraction of those of seeing a Mormon in the White House,” sighs one lawmaker. | |
21 | ||1:要是保险公司能够暗地搜集到潜在投保客户的相关消费偏好记录就好了。||2:这些信息也许能帮助他们更精准的锁定最不可能索赔的目标人群,然后用更实惠的保险费率吸引他们。||3:特易购就能做到这点,他们时不时会从持卡客户端搜集此类信息。||4:随着特易购在金融服务领域的业务膨胀,也许相较传统保险公司,这一全英最大的连锁超市将会因此取得明显优势。 | ||1:If only insurers could stealthily gather a few titbits about their potential policyholders’ consumption habits.||2:Such hints might help them more accurately target those customers least likely to make claims, and attract them with better rates.||3:As it happens, Tesco routinely collects such information from holders of its Clubcard loyalty card.||4:As it bulks up in financial services, that may give Britain’s largest supermarket chain an edge over traditional insurers. | |
22 | ||1:在令人眼花缭乱的舞台上,可能不那么明显。很多观众都没看到。||2:但是,在2月5号超级杯橄榄球赛的中场表演时,英国流行歌手MIA在这个体育与广播双高峰的舞台上出人意料地唱了《我他妈的不在乎》这首歌曲,并向镜头竖起中指。||3:美国全国广播公司当时正在播放这场演出,即刻为她“失宜的手势”而道歉。||4:但是倡导健康电视节目的美国电视家长协会认为这种行为对全美国的家长相当于“打了一巴掌”,而此道歉对于其成员来说是一个不恰当的回应。 | ||1: IT WAS not that noticeable amid all the razzmatazz. Many viewers missed it. ||2: But on February 5th, during the half-time show of the Super Bowl, the apogee of both the sporting and broadcasting year, MIA, a British pop star, unexpectedly sang “I don’t give a shit” and raised a middle finger to the cameras. ||3: NBC, the network airing the show, swiftly apologised for her “inappropriate gesture”. ||4: But that, said the Parents Television Council (PTC), which campaigns for more wholesome programming, was an inadequate response to what its members felt was a “slap in the face” to families across America. | |
23 | 12月12号,阿海珐——这家法国国有一流核能企业,冲抵受益为€24 亿欧元(31亿美元)。这会将是该公司有史以来第一笔运营亏损,2011亏损额大约为16亿欧元。这可伤大了。 | On December 12th Areva, France’s state-owned nuclear champion, said it would take a €2.4 billion ($3.1 billion) charge against profits. This will give the firm its first ever operating loss, of perhaps €1.6 billion for 2011. That hurts. | |
24 | 也许举例更能说明问题,向一个刚购买猫砂的人推销宠物保险无疑为明智之举。又如此例,大批量买酒的人不一定会醉驾,反而是那些平日少买或不买酒的人,才最有可能满身酒气的上路。再者购买窗锁的人可能更加重视安全问题,等等。 | To give an obvious example, it would be worth offering pet insurance to someone who has started buying kitty-litter. Buying lots of booze does not make you a drunk-driver, but someone who buys little or none seems less likely to be one. Buyers of window locks are likely to be more security-conscious, and so on. | |
25 | “但我们也给了很多作为回报,”他说。“这几乎是一场毫无意义的交换。” | "But we also have to give out a lot in return, " he said. "It’s almost a meaningless exchange. " | |
26 | “呵呵,如果主办方不让观众使用雨伞的话”,他说,“那也许是他们发放的雨衣。” | "Well, if they don’t let people use umbrellas, " he said, "then maybe they give out raincoats. " | |
27 | “事实上,多数老师都会给出习题或旧试题”她说。 | "Most teachers give out practice exams and old exams anyway, " she said. | |
28 | “我去到一家允许带狗的银行,他们鼓励你带狗狗入内,还分发美味的狗食饼干”,她说。 | "I go to a dog-friendly bank, where they encourage you to bring your dog inside and give out gourmet dog biscuits, " she said. | |
29 | 把一生献给…向某人问好散发,颁发宣布放弃;不再做;改掉把…献给…让位于,转为 | give one’s regards to give out give out that. . . give up give up one’s life to give way to come to do | |
30 | 本文就博物馆的资源与网络平台的关系及整合利用提出了自己的理解。 | This paper give out one understanding of the museum resources and network platform conformity. |